Welcome to Viñedo En’kanto, a charming vineyard Bed and Breakfast located in the scenic Valle de Guadalupe, Mexico’s premier wine region. We invite you to come and enjoy one of our luxury romantic cabanas with views of the En’kanto vineyard and surrounding mountains The beautiful Guadalupe Valley is the perfect backdrop for a relaxing getaway. You can take a stroll through the vineyards and orchard, or just nap in one of the hammocks. And when the sun goes down, enjoy a cozy fire in the firepit, and take in the stars. So, come and experience the Valle de Guadalupe for yourself, and give yourself permission to relax.
Reviews from Our Happy Guests
Beto captured this beautiful photo of a hummingbird on the deck last Sunday. Here is his explanation for fellow bird enthusiasts. He’s also leading a guided birdwatching walk Saturday morning and there are still a few places available.
Zumbador de Allen / Allen’s Hummingbird
Selasphorus sasin
Viñedo Enkanto, Ensenada
El sonido metálico de las alas de este colibrí nos anuncia la llegada del invierno en las costas de California. Parte de la población de esta especie es migratoria y pasa los inviernos al sur de sus territorios reproductivos llegando hasta el sur de México, para después, emprender su migración primaveral hacia el norte siguiendo la costa del Pacífico. Sus movimientos estacionales son tempranos en comparación con otros migrantes de Norteamérica, algunos ejemplares emprenden camino hacia el norte ya en diciembre para llegar a las zonas de cria en enero.
En esta fotografía pude retratar a un macho anunciando su llegada a los bebederos del Viñedo mientras ahuyentaba a otros competidores. Después de cada pelea, se tomaba un merecido descanso en una ramita del guayabo, dándome así la oportunidad de retratarlo.
The metallic sound of this hummingbird’s wings announces the arrival of winter on the coasts of California. Part of the population of this species is migratory and spends the winters south of its reproductive territories, reaching southern Mexico, and then embarking on its spring migration north following the Pacific coast. Their seasonal movements are early compared to other migrants from North America; some specimens begin their journey north as early as December to reach the breeding areas in January. In this photograph I was able to capture a male announcing his arrival at our winery drinking fountains while scaring away other competitors. After each fight, he took a well-deserved rest on a branch of the guava tree, giving me the opportunity to photograph him.
📸 @alberto_vadas
#hummingbird #birdphotography #birdwatchers #enkantonatural #enkantovinedo #getoutside #valledeguadalupe #naturephotography #naturetherapy

Es una de nuestras épocas favoritas del año… ¡temporada de cítricos! 🍊🍋 Salga al aire libre este fin de semana y disfrute de la cosecha de cítricos en familia, nuestros jugos recién exprimidos, mermeladas y postres cítricos.
#enkantovinedo #enkantonatural #citrus #citrusseason #temporadadecitricos #getoutside #airelibre #lahuerta #citrusgarden #slowfood #lavidaenelvalle #valledeguadalupe #vitaminac

Join us for a Valentines ♥️ Sunday Serenade under the elm tree. We’ll enjoy Dante Buzo’s beautiful music, your favorite En’kanto wine pairings and some sweet surprises 🧁
Sunday the 16 of February, starting at 2pm.
#valentines #valentinesinthevineyard #sanvalentin #valledeguadalupe #musicaenvivo #sundayserenade #serenata #domingosbajoelolmo #enkantovinedo #enkantonatural

Nuestro equipo está de vacaciones bien merecidas, por lo que nuestro horario será un poco diferente durante los próximos dos fines de semana.
El desayuno solo estará disponible para nuestros huéspedes. La degustación de vinos y un menú de maridaje sencillo estarán disponibles de 11am a 5pm el viernes y el sábado. Los domingos estaremos cerrados. Requerimos una reserva para grupos para poder brindarles un servicio excelente. El viernes 24 de enero comenzaremos nuestro horario regular.
Our team is on a well-deserved vacation, so our schedule will be a little different for the next two weekends.
Breakfast will only be available to our hotel guests. Wine tasting and a simple pairing menu will be available from 11am to 5pm Friday and Saturday. We will be closed on Sundays. We require a reservation for groups in order to provide you with excellent service. On Friday, January 24th we will begin our regular schedule. Thank you and we look forward to serving you!

Postales navideñas 🎄
Feliz Navidad querido amigos y familia 🥰
Merry Christmas dearest friends and family, thank you for sharing the season with us! Wishing you love and light!

Terminando la noche con corazones ♥️ y luna 🌕 llena
Gracias amigos @uvauva_valle por el foto 🥰
#navidad #navidadenelvalle #christmas #christmasfullmoon #fullhearts #winternight #valledeguadalupe #lavidaenelvalle #enkantonatural #enkantovinedo #outdoorwinebar

Have you tried our new Christmas offering, sangria Santa? It’s perfectly refreshing for the sunny December days we’ve been enjoying in the Valle.
#enkantonatural #enkantovinedo #mexicowinecountry #enkantonatural #weekendgetaway #alfresco #sangria #christmassangria #sangriasanta #navidadenelvalle